by Cath Morrissy | Oct 4, 2018
At Well Said Clinic, we believe the following attributes are worth considering when looking for a Speech pathologist to meet your child’s needs. They are compassionate A good speech pathologist really cares for their clients. They see a child as special and unique,...
by Cath Morrissy | Aug 1, 2018
What Apps should we get? We live in an ever increasing technological world and learning has seen a huge shift from rote learning to experiential learning. Technology is commonplace in today and we consistently now see babies/toddlers using Mum or Dad’s phone in the...
by Cath Morrissy | Nov 27, 2017
Is my child ready for school? At present in preschool and kinder car parks around the country, mums, dads and carers are discussing whether they’ll send their kids to school early, on time, or hold them back. Parents whose child, due to birth date, falls into that...